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Responsibility with domestic pets & the use of St James' Churchyard & surrounding countryside

by jonathangilliatt | Sept. 9, 2024, 5:14 p.m.

 St James' Church welcomes everyone to enjoy the churchyard. You are most welcome to bring your four-legged friends with you! We believe everyone (and their pets)  should be able to experience the beauty of the rolling Cheshire countryside, and enjoy the majesty of the building of St James' church together with the  churchyard  to enable those who seek solace or a time for personal contemplation or prayer the opportunity to do so. However, we must ask that you keep your accompanying four-legged friends on a leash at all times, please. Sadly,there have been one or two occasions of dogs causing distress to others within the churchyard. We also must remind you that we cannot under any circumstances accept dog fouling within the churchyard grounds. As with all churchyards they are consecrated areas of land. We would also like to remind you that animal waste is highly dangerous and poses a serious biological hazard to wildlife, birds, other pets and people if it comes into contact with eyes, face or  ingested. If your pet does get caught short then we must ask you to remove and dispose of it in a safe manner.

Please take note that much of the surrounding fields are in agricultural use and contain crops which are used for human consumption. Throughout the summer dogs (and people) have been seen running through the fields of crops and flattening them. This makes it more difficult for farm machinery to harvest the crop. Do use common sense and keep your pets on a leash at all times.

Please respect others and help keep St James' Churchyard and Cheshire a healthy and safe area for all.


The Churchwardens

© 2025 Stefan Collier