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May I commend to you a visit to Chester Cathedral this week to see the creation window that Carl has overseen the production of. It may be found in the Refectory which is open between 10 am and 4pm.
I have just seen it for myself, called The Berwyn Window. I found it stunning, hopeful, and a bearer of truth. Not least, what we create together from our diversity speaks louder, points beyond itself, than what we create on our own.So much else, to reflect on, and look forward to that. Enjoy.
We were thrilled to hear this morning at prayers that since we have begun rewilding the churchyard, golden (I think) chaffinch's have started to appear in a neighbour's garden. Rather than provide a picture of one from the internet, I am awaiting a live record from said garden!
I am reminded, with thanksgiving, of the work and words of Mike, Bettie, Jonathan and Archdeacon Ian on the issue of rewilding churchyards. If you are interested, check out the churchyard working party page on our website.
© 2025 Stefan Collier