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Thank-you so much to everyone who turned up for the Carols around the Tree. It trully was magnifiicent to see so many of you there! We would also like to say a very big thank-you to those of you who came from greater distances.
Most of all though, we really do need to thank everyone who gave so generously to Christian Aid for their Middle East (Gaza) collection for which we raised an astonishing £548.91.
With over 20,000 deaths so far in Gaza, many thousands of which were women & children, your donations are more critical than ever, now that winter is upon us. There are over a million displaced & vulnernable victims of this brutal conflict who face starvation, infectious disease, and environmental catastrophe. Please follow this link if you would like to find out more or to help continue funding this incredible work:
Once again thank you …
© 2025 Stefan Collier