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Everybody at St James' Church Christleton would like to say thankyou to all those who turned up to our Christmas Eve Carols around the Tree which was as popular as ever! There was mulled wine and mince pies afterwards! During the evening we collected for the Christian Aid Middle East Fund and the total raised was £608.55p.

Your help is so vital right now with the effects of the cold winter, hunger and disease, as it takes hold of the 2 million exhausted & displaced population. Gazans are sheltering in tents, under extremely dangerous building shells and some are even sleeping in the freezing cold open-air. Please follow the link below to get a clearer understanding about Christian Aid and their work under such heart-breaking circumstances.

Thankyou so much once again.


Bettie's Annual BBQ

· by brianinall | July 9, 2024, 9:23 a.m.

Bettie's annual BBQ in her wonderful garden. Under cover if wet. If you wish to come please buy a ticket, and get directions if you're not sure where her house is.


Come and join us for an Autumn Concert with Philip Chidell on Wednesday 22nd November at 7.30pm at Christleton Parish Hall

BBQ for Christian Aid Sat 12 Aug 2023

· by brianinall | July 14, 2023, 12:27 p.m.

Tim & Suzanne are holding a family barbecue on Sat 12th August starting at 12 noon. All are invited to come and help raise funds for our Bangladesh 'Left Behind Communities' project. They need to know numbers for catering purposes, so please email or text to confirm and to get more details. See flyer here.

Coffee Morning - 1 Aug '23

· by brianinall | June 28, 2023, 11:09 a.m.

John & Janet are holding a Coffee Morning at 1 Glovers Loom, Great Boughton on Tuesday 1st August '23. Starts from 10:30am. Cakes and produce stall. Raffle. Proceeds to St James' Church. Fun & fellowship washed down with coffee and lovely cake! See flyers in church.

Bettie's BBQ - 22nd July 2023

· by brianinall | June 28, 2023, 10:50 a.m.

Bettie is once again hosting a BBQ in her wonderful garden in Littleton. Saturday 22nd July '23 starting at 5pm. Tickets are £15 each and include the food and a welcome drink. Extra drinks available. Also games and a raffle, and a lot of fellowship. Please buy your tickets in advance from Christine Abrams (Tel: 01244 335562), Bettie Gilliatt or any PCC member. Proceeds to St James' Church. All welcome.

Tea in the Garden - 6 July 2023

· by brianinall | June 28, 2023, 10:41 a.m.

Chris & Joce are holding 'Tea in the Garden' from 2pm on Thursday 6th July '23 at Sandheys, Plough Lane, Christleton. This is a fundraiser for our Christian Aid Bangladesh 'left behind communities' project. Good cakes and good fellowship. All welcome.

Parish Hall Heating Upgrade fund raising event: Wreath making

· by jonathangilliatt | Nov. 28, 2022, 2:48 p.m.

Article by Liz McClure

What a happy well fed and artistic day we spent in the parish hall on Saturday. Many thanks to the fundraising team.

Fund raising wreath making


Christmas Produce Sales - 4 & 11 Dec

· by brianinall | Nov. 18, 2022, 12:49 p.m.

Work is under way to transform Christmas ingredients into Christmas Produce. Quality homemade mincemeat, cakes, etc. These will be sold at our sales on Sunday 4th Dec and Sunday 11th Dec in Christleton Parish Hall from 11.30am. Everyone welcome. Refreshments also available.

Limited stocks so when it's gone, it's gone! All proceeds to the Parish Hall Heating Fund.

An Evening with Philip Chidell

· by stefan | Nov. 16, 2022, 9:35 p.m.

Saturday 3rd December 2022

7.30pm Christleton Parish Hall

We welcome back Philip Chidell the talented violist for a delightful evening of entertainment.

Tickets are £12.50 and include mulled wine or soft drink and mince pies. Tickets and details from Christine Abrams (T: 335562)

Funds raised are for the parish hall heating fund.

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© 2025 Stefan Collier