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Nuclear fusion has long been on my radar. Unsurprisingly, since the process is found in both astrophysical and nuclear physics systems. I was excited to read the recent news of sustained nuclear fusion at the LLNL facility in the United States. Simplistically, lasers are used to heat and compress some fuel, and post the sweet-spot of temperature, density, and confinement atoms in the fuel fuse together and liberate energy. I am convinced in decades to come the commercialisation of fusion technology will reap great benefits for humankind.
It reminded me of another process already taking place which is reaping great benefits for humankind. The fusion of human and Jesus Christ at Christmas time. The season, with its readings, carols, and celebrations carry the energy - Spirit of God - which serve to heat and compress the fuel, us and Jesus whose birth we celebrate.
If we stay in the presence …
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