Here, you may read and interact with members of the parish community. To use this blog, read the community guidelines, and if you are a member of the community request access from Stefan. Then, re-read the community guidelines, log in, and start blogging. Please note the views of authors are their own, and do not necessarily represent those of St James Church.
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All welcome to our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party. From 3.30 to 5pm in the Parish Hall. Kids and adults alike can have fun and eat pancakes. No charge but we would welcome donations towards costs.
Come and enjoy breakfast and fellowship on Sunday 23rd Feb 2025. 9 to 10.30am. Whether you are coming to the 8am or 10.30am services, or neither, you are most welcome. There is a sign-up list in church to help those catering, so please add your name to that list if you are planning to come. Donations welcome towards costs.
Belts & Braces is a group for men, and it meets in the Christleton Institute (The Stute). Instead of twice a month we now meet every fortnight on a Tuesday morning. 10.30 am to 12 noon. Also, the fixed charge has now been removed, so it's free to come although we do welcome donations towards costs. Tea & coffee and maybe a biscuit. You don't need to be an Institute member - all are welcome.
St James' Church has its annual meetings on Sunday 23rd April in the Parish Hall starting about 12 noon. Refreshments available. There are two meetings back-to-back. The short Meeting of the Parishioners when Churchwardens are elected, and the main Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) when everything else is discussed/presented, including the election of PCC members. All church members are invited to come and support their church. If you wish to go onto the Electoral Roll or to put yourself forward as a candidate for Churchwarden, PCC or Deanery Synod then please complete an applicatiion form (available from church, or please ask us), read the conditions on it and hand it in. A 24 page annual report is available to pick up as well.
Thank you.
(Brian Inall - PCC)
It gives me great pleasure to declare this community space open. Open for us to share news, thoughts, and comments with each other and the wider communities we are part of. I hope we enjoy it.
This is an experimental space for us. Hopefully it will emerge into something useful. Please do visit this space regularly, since it will likely become a primary method of communication for us. In time, additional functionality will be added and the design smartened up (maybe) - it was the best I could build in a couple of days of my holiday, and a wise woman once said to me 'it's just got to be good enough'.
I love the mornings, the sun rising. The possibilities of new life emerging. For me, it brings to mind words of the prophet Isaiah:
I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth, …
© 2025 Stefan Collier